June 2012 Moms

In-Law Rant!

Today has really got me down. I used to LOVE my mother and sister in law. They treated me like family and I couldn't have been happier to join the family. Well when it came close to the wedding all hell broke loose. Long story short, my sister in law was rude to my mom and told everyone how my family wasn't good enough for her (we are a blue collar family and I couldn't be more proud of that). So after a week of constant fighting I gave her the boot as a bridesmaid (with DH's approval of course). Well this caused HUGE family drama. His mom completely turned her back on me and spent the whole wedding complaining about how she had to look at my face during the ceremony, and actually had the nerve to take pictures with my husband and their side of the family without me before the ceremony :(
Well a month later my sister in law got married and I heard on 4 different occasions during her wedding "O don't do that! you don't want to look tacky like your brother and Brandy".
I went home crying that night and DH and I decided that we needed to separate ourselves from his family a bit, which is difficult because they own a family business together.
Fast forward to today...I am a forgiving person so I have put a lot aside. I go over to my mother in laws house to drop off groceries to my mother in law who broke her ankle last week. I walk in to both her and my sister in law in the living room. I go to the counter to set down groceries where I see thank you cards for my sister in laws wedding. I made personalized cards for everyone at our wedding with a picture of us and them....she ripped off my idea and had IDENTICAL cards to mine. I was rather upset to see this but kept my cool because its dumb to get mad over right? I sit down to ask my mother in law how she is doing and she proceeds to rip into me about how she hasn't seen her son in 13 days and she's mad at me for keeping him from her. (He has been working out of town for 10 of those 13 days). I begin to argue with her that when he is home we want to spend time together because we hardly see one another. She proceeds to tell me that she is the mother and thus more important than I am. I get up to leave because I don't want to say something I will regret. As I walk out the door my sister in law follows me only to tell me I deserved my miscarriage in april because I was obviously too immature to be a mom.....WOW
I wanted so badly to scream at them that I was pregnant again and that they would never be in my child's life but instead I just told her she didn't have room to talk and went home. I am now seriously considering how I'm going to handle letting them be in my child's life....OPINIONS???
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