January 2012 Moms

Well crap...

I failed my glucose test.  Apparently my one test was "marginally" high.  I didn't ask for specific numbers as I'm sure I'll hear all about it at my appointment.  I was referred to a high-risk doctor at my hospital to go over diet and blood testing procedures.  My OB said that usually it can be controlled with just a change in diet, so hopefully that's true for me.

I'm really not looking forward to poking the shiit out of my fingers, but I'll find out more about it all at my appointment on the 21st.

Lots of love and luck to Squishy622 (Welcome Maya!) and salt78 (Welcome Betty!) <3<3<3 <br> ~*Much luck, love, and unicorn farts to my BFPB ukcats (Welcome Avery!)*~
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