January 2012 Moms

What do you think? (Shower Related) Kinda Long...

OK so it is a really long story and I'm not gonna get into it all, but my mom was planing my baby shower to take place at my uncles house because he offered it to us to use for that purpose.  Well, in the past few days, my uncle has been an insane a$$ to my mom and a jerk in general and we both just aren't comfortable having the shower at his house anymore.

Here's the problem.  The shower is Nov. 5th and invites have already been sent with his address on them.  I talked to my aunt today (not my uncle's wife... just another aunt), and she's been planning on catering the shower (she's a pro chef).  Well she has an AWESOME house (she's British and used to own an Antique and Tea Shop so her house is crazy full with antiques and just cool things) and she offered to have it at her house... She's actually all for it and thinks it's great as do myself and my mom.  We invited 40 people to the shower, but out of those 40 only about 25-30 are going to come (we've not gotten all the RSVP's yet but I know these people... some were just courtesy invites).  My aunt has said she can def fit 25 people so I just checked the list and using my mental powers of who I know will come and who won't, including myself, my aunt, and my mom, it would be 27 people which is perfect.

Here's my question.  We are still waiting for RSVP's (which is normal as it's still a month away), so if we decide to have it at my aunts because my uncle is being psycho, how long should I wait to call all the people who are attending to tell them there has been a change in address?  I know all the people invited and have all their numbers, and being as my mom lives in FLA and is hosting the party up here in RI, it would just be easier if I called (which I don't mind doing).

Thanks ladies! 

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