June 2012 Moms


I've been cramping for the last 9 days.  For the first while it felt pretty much like AF cramps and I was assured that it wasn't anything to worry about because I wasn't bleeding at all.  But starting on Friday some of the cramps became pretty intense, and they aren't anything I'm used to.  They hurt enough that they make me cringe and wake me up.  Last night I was almost in tears, doubled over on my bed.  It doesn't last long (like maybe a minute or two) and it's not regular, but it's terrifying. Still not bleeding.

I called the midwife office, but since I haven't been in for my first appt yet, I don't have a specific midwife assigned to me, so I'm waiting for someone to call back. I called my doctor today and they still can't get me in, even an urgent appt, until my already scheduled backup appt (that I booked in case I wasn't comfortable with the mid-wife thing) of Nov. 3, so they told me to go to a walk-in clinic. 

I'm so scared. 

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