January 2012 Moms

Chenoa Update

Hi Ladies,

I'm friends with Chenoa now on FB, but she hasn't had time to respond to my message. I have however seen some of her stauts updates and photos, and while Sofia is tiny, she's beautiful and seems to be doing well.

That being said, I'm going to go ahead and open up the PayPal contributions. I have 60 days to refund the money to everyone in the event Chenoa says she is uncomfortable with us helping out, but if she's ok with it then we'll be able to get stuff to her sooner. You can find my PayPal account by searching my email: m.moulden@hotmail.com

I'm keeping a spreadsheet of bump name, real name, and email to send to Chenoa so if you want to be anonymous or want any of the fields left out please let me know in the message area on PayPal. If you have any questions let me know!


****ETA: If you send money through PayPal please make sure you mark it as "personal" and then "gift". Otherwise PayPal charges a small fee so the whole amount won't come through. Thanks!

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