January 2012 Moms

TMI-I need some advice/ support medically.-TMI

I will say, go ahead and skip my post if you are super sensitive stomach-wise.

Ok, so the past week and a half has been crazy.  I have been to the ER once, and had a serious scare a couple days ago.  Just now, I woke up at the kitchen sink, vomiting.  (Sorry bumpies, I just need to get the details out.)  Backing up a bit...

I have a serious pain at the top of my belly, and just to the left.  It seriously feels like I had a stab wound there.  Anyone else on this one? It is sensitive to the touch.  My doc just keeps saying it is her kicks or the muscles are sore, but seriously, this feels like something beyond that.  If it is that, cool, but I was wondering if anyone else had it.  The second big thing that happened, I had blood, (lots of it) in my stool. (Again, SO sorry for the over-abundance of info here)  At first, I thought I was bleeding and something was wrong with the baby.  But then it stopped. My doc suggested a ripped hemorrhoid that I was unaware of.  It hasn't happened since, so I am thinking that is a right on one.  Finally, tonight, I slept walked to the kitchen sink and began violently vomiting! Not a great way to wake up.  Is anyone else still having this kind of nausea this late? It seems odd to me.

Again, SO sorry if this grossed anyone out.  I am just tired of feeling like I am falling apart! And if we can't say the gross stuff, how would we know?  At some point it was suggested that there may be something wrong with my gallbladder, but I really am unsure what that would mean or entail.  My doc sort of dismissed the idea, so I am not sure what to think.  She does want me to see a GI specialist, but mainly for the bleeding thing.  ACK! I just don't know what to think!  Anyone gone through something similar?

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