January 2012 Moms

At home on BR for the rest of the pregnancy

I went in for an appointment with our MFM specialists on 9/29.  The ultrasound showed baby B is doing very well.  When we moved on to the internal ultrasound, it revealed my cervix was measuring at a 2.  Baby A's membrane was starting to funnel.  I was sent to labor and delivery at the hospital to be monitored for 48 hours.  They started me on magnesium sulfate which I was on for about 40 hours (I don't wish that stuff on my worst enemy).  It made me have bad double vision and I was very woozy.  I had to be woken up every two hours to have my reflexes and lungs listened to.  Plus I was on a regular schedule to pee every two hours also.  So I tried to keep those things scheduled all together to increase my rest time.  I was having some pretty good contractions even on the magnesium sulfate.  They were never painful just uncomfortable.  The gave me two steroid shots to help develop baby B's organs in the case delivery was necessary.  We had a NICU doctor come talk to us to go over possible complications with the baby being delivered early.

I was beginning to doubt that I would be able to go home as my contractions were 2 and 3 minutes apart at one time after they stopped the magnesium sulfate.  The contractions did calm down and they did an internal exam to see if I was dialated.  I was 1 cm which was the same as when I was admitted.  So that was good.  They also did an internal ultrasound and there was not change in those measurements either.  They did a test (I can't remember what it was called) that would determine if delivery would be expected in the next two weeks.  That came back positive.  Which was a bummer.  If it would have been positive, that would tell us that there is a 95% chance delivery would not occur within the next two weeks.  With it coming back positive, the dr said it doesn't necessarily mean delivery will happen within the next two weeks.  It's more of a 50/50 chance.  Either way, we are prepared to meet this little girl whenever she decides to come. 

Please keep the thoughts and prayers coming that she decides to stay put a bit longer. 

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