June 2012 Moms

MY FIRST!!!! June 5th- Due date!!!!

Hi Ladies,

 Needless to say my husband and I are beyond excited.  We found out on Thursday that we "may" be pregnant.  I say "may" because I pee'd on two First Response HPT and the both came back strongly pregnant.  I had the wind taken from my sails when I ran to the doctors office waited patiently for an hour basically bouncing out of my chair to have the doctor say her test came back negative.  She then sent me in immediately for blood work.  Impatient me I went out and bought two different tests from two different stores and ran home.  I immediately peed on another and yet again positive.  I googled up a storm about false positives.  I was somewhat sure I was pregnant as were everyone around me but I still had to wait for the blood test results. Frisday morning I pee'd on a Clear Blue HPT and saw the + within seconds.

 I recieved the incredible news last night, Friday.  149!!!!!!!! The doctor said I was just over 4 weeks.  Everyone is bouncing off the walls.  My parents are calling every five minutes (first grandchild). I am in bliss (with a little nausous already and my breast are super sore but that is comforting).  I am praying for a healthy baby due June 5th!!!!

 Good luck to all the other soon to be mommies out there!!!!!!!!

 xo Lena

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