June 2012 Moms

Intro and HPT question

Hello ladies!  Got a faint but definite positive last night!  Based on my LMP I will be due on June 6 (although still have to see the OB).  I hope I'm not jinxing anything by jumping into the birth month club and and posting already but I'm pretty nervous right now -first pregnancy- so wanted to see what your experience was with HPT's.

I got a faint positive last night and almost exactly the same if not lighter line this morning. I expected it to be darker not only because it's the next day but it was also first morning pee.  I also feel like the symptoms I was having all week that made me 'feel' pregnant are easing up a bit, too. So I guess you can say I'm not letting myself get too excited but I am dying for this pregnancy to 'stick.'

 How long after faint positive did it take you to get loud and clear BFP???  Anyone else have symptoms subside after finding out the big news?

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