June 2012 Moms

not so great news...update to low progesterone post

So you may remember I was questioning what to do about getting a low progesterone (9.16) number back at my first beta. When I went for the second beta two days later I asked about supplementation and the nurse informed me that this practice did not use them for low progesterone. I told her how this bothered me and that I would hate to know there was something I can do to save this baby and instead do nothing. I also asked her to retest my progesterone when she drew the second beta but said no, "that opens up a whole can of worms that we don't want to get involved with"...

She did say if the beta came back over 1,000 (first one was 439.2) we could move up my ultrasound and if the baby was nice and high the Dr would decide what to do from there. Well, I got the second beta back yesterday and it was bad news as I suspected it only rose slightly to 510. The Dr. called me herself with the results and said she doesn't think this is a viable pregnancy. I asked her now what??? considering I had JUST had an early loss in August and I'm only 29...this seems like there is something wrong with ME! She is having me go for an appointment Monday morning where they will do another beta just to see if there is any progress and talk about my options.

My husband refuses to give up hope...its getting harder for me to be hopeful though. I haven't had any cramps, pain or bleeding which I guess is a good sign but then again I didn't have any of those before my last m/c either.

Sorry for such a looong post but any positive thoughts/prayers are greatly appreciated. I hope I get to stay here! fingers crossed...

Thank you for reading

BFP #3 11/27/11, EDD 8/3/12 BabyFruit Ticker
BFP #1 8/1/11, Natural MC 8/12/11 6 weeks
BFP #2 9/25/11, Natural MC 10/3/11 6 weeks

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