June 2012 Moms

Intro from a long time lurker...

Hello Ladies~  I have been lurking on the bump for a long time now and I?m ready to come on out. I got my BFP this week and went in for Beta#1 yesterday afternoon but won?t know the results till Monday (stupid insurance). My husband and I are cautiously excited and hope this is our take home baby. I am so happy to be in the June Bugs and can?t wait to get to know all of you. 

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Married High School Sweetheart in 2004 ~ Officially Started TTC Jan 2009 ~ Miscarriage Aug 2009 ~ Six rounds of clomid=BFN IUI#1=BFP ~ E born 6/12/12 <a href="http://s1076.photobucket.com/albums/w443/krsloanphoto/?action=view
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