January 2012 Moms

Update and delivery

Just wanted to update everyone.I woke up to my water breaking on the morning of September 29th at 4:30 am. Because of this I was moved immediately from anti-partum to labor and delivery and was hooked up to magnesium around 5:30am in order to attempt to stop the contractions which were about 2 min apart but not very strong. I spent 12hrs on Mag and this reduced the contractions to about 10-12 minutes apart and not very strong. After the mag treatment ended at 5:30pm, I stayed stable for a few hours and by 10pm I began active labor. 

The contractions because amazingly strong and really close together and we were at 4cm by 1am. 

My little miracle, Sofia Isabella, was born September 30th at 3:01am! She was 25weeks5days gestation. She weighs 1lb9oz and 13.25 inches. We had a med free vaginal delivery and she came out kicking like crazy! 

She was breathing on her own immediately after birth for a few minutes but was put on a ventilator. This afternoon she was breathing strong and she was weaned off and is now on cpap and we are so grateful that our little one is truly a fighter! Please keep is in your thoughts and prayers as this is just the beginning of a emotional roller coaster for us in the NICU. I know that she's a strong little girl but she will def be put to the test! 

Check out our blog of Sofia's progress... www.FisforFam.blogspot.com Lilypie Premature Baby tickers image Visit The Nest! image
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