June 2012 Moms

In need of some advice PLEASE

Hi Everyone,

I'm kind of in freak out mode right now. I have a very consistent, but short 25 day cycle. This month my OPK said I ovulated on Sunday September 18th. AF should have arrived this past Monday, but nothing. Over the last few days I've had a teeny tiny bit of spotting (like 2 small spots a day). I'm assuming this is IB. I've been breaking out which is not very common for me at all. I've had no other symptoms. So right now I am 13dpo and 5 days past my expected period. I've taken several HPTs and all have come back negative. I'm super nervous and everything I read online and on the TTC boards says it's almost impossible to conceive when your luteal phase is less than 10 days (mine is 9 days).

 Is it possible to miss your period for this long, yet possibly NOT be pregnant? I'm so worried that everything I read is correct and the implantation won't take place successfully. Yet, my gut is telling me I'm pregnant and I'm so freaked out that I'm wrong!

 Any advice or thoughts on this? I'd appreciate any words of wisdom. I'm very new to all of this and just trying to educate myself. Thanks so much!


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