June 2012 Moms

question/ need advice please

Hi ladies,

For the past two days I have felt this "feeling" on on my sides. It is so hard to describe it, let alone type it but I will try. Its not a pain, more like a twinge or tingle or something, just something I notice but again, it doesn't hurt. If I had to pinpoint it, I would say if i place my finger on my hip bones and then move in about 2 inches. 

I don't want to overreact and it may be from drinking more fluids and peeing more often, or it may be perfectly normal, but I really don't know what to think. Its not a constant feeling - just something that comes and goes. It really feels weird if I sneeze.  

What would you do if you were me? If I decide to call the doctor, I should do it soon so I dont have to wait until Monday.  My appt is not until 10/21.  Have any of you felt this before?

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