June 2012 Moms

talk me down!

My family is supposed to spend the evening with a family we are friends with tonight.  They have 3 kids, all older than ours and my DH works with their DH.  I've been talking with her about how we want to try for #3, she's given me advice and told me about how having 3 is different than 2, etc.  I went to girls night with her and some ladies about a week ago (ordered wine but didn't drink it and she gave me a "look")  I know it will come up tonight at dinner...What do I do?!

I haven't even told my mom yet, I want to wait until after our 8 week appointment to tell family and then slowly tell close friends after 12 weeks. 

Help me think of ways to distract and lie without actually lying...I don't want to lie.

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