June 2012 Moms

Anyone disagree with DH about when to tell?

We got our BFP on Saturday and my DH was happy and excited, but he's not the type to turn cartwheels or anything.  Almost immediately, he had a lot of questions- many concerning safety and my health and the health of the baby.  When I told him that 1st tri was the risky time and that some people waited until 12 weeks to tell, that sealed the deal for him- he didn't want to tell ANYONE until 12 weeks.  
I agree that I don't want to make it public knowledge until then, but I so, so badly want to tell our parents, siblings, and a few close friends.  These are all people who I would tell if something were to happen and who I would need support from.
Last night, I got a call from my best friend, who just found out....she's pregnant!  I was squealing and crying and so excited because it took her over a year with her DS and we have always joked about being pregnant together, but hadn't officially told each other we were TTC. (again, my DH wants to keep everything very private.) 
It was PAINFUL not to tell her that I was pregnant too.  It felt like I was lying to her.  I talked to DH afterwards and his stance was the same: 12 weeks.  I realized then (and told him) that besides just wanting to tell people who I loved, I really wanted to share because I wanted to be happy and excited about this pregnancy and I wanted others to be too.  By hiding, it almost feels like something negative we're hiding- just waiting for the worst.   
He understood, but still won't change his mind.  
I have my first appointment (thankfully ridiculously early) on Monday and I'm really hoping confirmation from the dr that everything is fine will convince DH that we can tell a few loved ones.  I know it's his baby too and I will respect his wishes and not go blabbing behind his back, but on the other hand, I'm the one carrying this baby around and I'm going to go crazy not telling anyone!
Whew, I didn't mean to make that so long!  I just didn't know if anyone else was in the same boat or had any suggestions.   
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