June 2012 Moms

Anniversary baby

Well, after two instantly positive tests tonight I'm pretty sure I'm going to be here.  I'm kind of freaking out - I didn't think this was going to happen yet.  It took us almost a year and a half to conceive DS1 (trying everything short of meds).  This baby however, our anniversary was the only night it could have happened.  My EDD is June 6.

My son J was born last Nov. 30 (about 10months now) so we'll have 2u2.  I work full time and my husband is currently a SAHD while going back to school.

Since I did just go through all this I hope I can help with questions but I don't want to be all know-it-all because every person is different and every pregnancy is different.  Last time I didn't have any morning sickness - here's hoping I get lucky again!

Even though I'm nervous I hope I get to stay here. 

CafeMom TickersCafeMom Tickers
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