Single Parents

Freaking out about visitation!!!! Please tell me if this is the norm.

STBXH just told me that his attorney sent in a proposal to my attorney for temporary visitation. He has a big mouth so he told me some of the details, most disturbing being that he is asking for EOW, Long weekends plus additional visitation midweek. I asked him what he meant by a long weekend and he sad 4 days, like from Friday through Monday. I can't even breathe. I was thinking EOW- Friday he picks DS up from daycare and I have DS back in my arms Sunday night. From reading all your posts, it doesn't  look like some anyone here has their kids gone for 4 day weekends, am I right? That just seems excessive for a three year old who is very attached to his Mommy. I feel like like I'm going to passout at the thought os DS crying for Mommy.
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