January 2012 Moms

Stopping the lurking! (And some gestational diabetes)


I've been lurking on this board since I found out I was pregnant, but wanted to officially say hi and introduce myself. 

My husband and I are expecting our first child, a baby girl, January 9th! We are very excited and the nesting stage is coming fast and furious. 

Also, last week I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I been seeing a lot of questions about the testing on the board, so I wanted to get out there so I can be of help/ask for help when needed. 

I took the three hour test and passed hours one and two, but failed hour three by fourteen points. It's not a lot apparently, but enough to get you diagnosed with this G-D diabetes (that's what I'm calling it). 

I go back tomorrow for more blood work and to meet a nutritionist. They said I won't have to go on medicine, but I have to control it with diet. This sucks for so many reasons. They are (in no particular order): cookies, cake, ice cream, bagels, cupcakes, orange soda, lemon bars, Pumpkin Spice lattes, I think you get the picture. Smile I've had quite the sweet/carb tooth, and now I really have to watch what I eat. 

If anyone is interested I'll be more than happy to share what I learn from talking to the nutritionist. Yes, this sucks...but it's going to force me to eat healthier, which hopefully will become a lifestyle change. 

Also, I normally won't write a novel. Or at least I'll try not to!


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