South Jersey Babies

New Here! Infertility Issues

Hi guys - I don't know where to start so I guess this would be the best place.  My husband and I were married a little over a year ago (May 1st, 2010) and have been trying to conceive for about a year. He is a diabetic - a bad one until I snapped him into shape - but unfortunately he has had some complications with his diabetes that are irreversible and therefore we have had to turn to a fertility doc for some help with our trying to conceive. Just wanted to reach out to anyone who's going through the same or similar situation - he has had all his testing done, now i'm going for all my baseline testing (bloodwork, ultrasound and hysterosalpingogram) - kind of nervous but also excited to be able to get the ball rolling with everything! Looking forward to posting on here :)
TTC since May 2010
ME: 29, DH: 29
dx: MFI due to uncontrolled diabetes
10/2011 baseline bw, us and HSG - ALL CLEAR!!, SA #s were looking good
Nov 7 2011 Clomid monitored ultrasound - 2 follies on left side (one was 18-20mm the other was 22 mm) and 1 medium follie on right side
Nov 9 2011 IUI #1 clomid + ovidrel trigger
Nov 23 2011 BFP!!
beta #1 11/23: 228, progesterone: 38, beta #2 11/25: 426, progesterone: over 40, beta #3 11/29: over 1100, progesterone: 30.4, beta #4 12/2: 1800, progesterone: 20.4 - starting progesterone suppositories, beta #5 12/6: 1600 :(, progesterone: 19, after a rollercoater of up & down betas we went ahead with the methotrexate shots and ultimately had a m/c 12/2011 :(

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