January 2012 Moms

A slight freakout over here... :/

Ok flame if you need to or tell me to get a f'n grip but somehow I'm freaking out.

Just yesterday I said how I have no fears really but today, this panic kind of came over me. And I started thinking, OMG am I ready to do this? I'm so excited and can't wait for my baby girl to arrive and at the same time I was just thinking about how I won't be able to just relax on the couch when I get home from work. And that things I take for granted now (like let's just go out to dinner after work then head home or whatever) will no longer exist. At least not quite in that form. And as excited as I am I'm totally freaked out about it and wondering if I'll do good.

Am I a bad person for feeling this way? Anybody else? Tongue Tied

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