Baby Names

My uterus is jealous.

I know this is not Baby names, but just let me say: My cousin just had her son in June. Next closest cousin is due in Feb. Another cousin just called and said she's pregnant (one who never wanted to have kids before) and is due in May. I had been lapsing back into baby fever, but now... OMG, my uterus is jealous! I want another baby! (Then I start talking sense to myself how I'm almost done with diapers and the kids finally sleep through the night, and I can get 8 hours sleep straight if I go to sleep at a reasonable hour.) Thank you.

ETA: Don't worry, I'm not going to have a kid just because my cousins are pregnant. Just a mini vent.

Samantha Skye - Aug 30, 2006 AND Maxwell Griffin - April 14, 2009
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