January 2012 Moms

I have a stupid coworker

I was talking about my Dr and the fact that he is on the same page as I am with what I want to do for my birth. Eg; walking during labor, no IV if not necessary, dad cutting the cord, skin to skin. Well, after I mentioned the no IV, she asked me "if you don't get an IV, how will you stay hydrated?"

I almost face palmed right in front of her. Then I said "He lets you drink and eat during labor."

The look on her face was rather worth it!


Do you have stupid coworkers? What do they say about your pregnancy and/or birth plan? (if you have told them?)

<*>My Blog<*> Updated Sept. 20 My BFP Chart
Started TTC July 2010 ~ Diagnosed with Hypothyroidism April 2011 ~ BFP 5.10.11 EDD 1.16.12
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