June 2012 Moms

Anyone not told DH yet?

I just got my BFP this morning so I haven't told DH yet.  I usually can't contain myself and tell him immediately, but I want to wait this time.  At least until I see him tonight.  His BFF just found out his wife is pg this past weekend so DH is going to be so excited.  He was pretty bummed when he found out they were pg again and we haven't even had one yet.  All of his friends have kids.

Soooooo I have to decide if I want to just tell him or if I want to do something special.  His Bday is on Tuesday, but I don't know if I can wait that long.  Maybe I'll get him an early present tonight...


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BFP 1 | EDD 4.1.11 | MMC D&C 10.27.10 | 14 weeks
BFP 2 | EDD 9.29.11 | MC 1.25.11 | 6 weeks
BFP 3 | EDD 3.4.12 | MC 9.5.11 | 10 weeks
BFP 4 | Twins EDD 6.7.12 | MC James 10.31.11 Kellen 1.12.12 | 8 weeks/19 weeks

BFP 5 | EDD 12.24.12 | Rainbow Baby in the Making!
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**Formerly known as Nikki04vb**
? PGAL/PAL Welcome ?
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