June 2012 Moms

Hopefully staying around

So the last time I did this I was out two days later so posting in here is freaking me out! lol 


Hi ladies! I just got two bfp this morning on two different tests (dollar tree and clear blue) and couldn't be more excited and scares since I mc back in July at 5w5d. I'm so happy to be having a June baby seeing as DH and my father's birthdays are in June! Both will be overly thrilled when I tell them though no one has been called yet or anything nor will I be announcing before my frist DR appointment unless I somehow let it slip.


Let's see, um, I'm from DC, just turned 27 last Saturday, am 3w3d along (12dpo), and will be a first time mommy! Nice to meet everyone in advance. I just pray I get to stick around and have a h&h 9 months.  

MC 7.7.11 at 5w4d

12DPO--54 ll 16DPO--305! come on sticky baby! Daisypath Anniversary tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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