June 2012 Moms

MIL Vent

We told my MIL last night.  She was the first of the family to find out.  She was very exicted (crying, laughing, etc.) and then proceeded to second guess everything I said. Angry

I was telling her about my symptoms and she kept interrupting me like "wait, wait, wait... those are all just period symptoms.  Ya... of course you feel bloated.  That just means your period is coming".  She was even rolling her eyes.  I felt like saying, OH YA?  How about the 4 very clearly positive HPTs and the still missing AF?  Not to mention the fact that it's my freakin' body and I know when something is changing?

GAWD! I didn't know whether to smack her or cry.  Even my husband, who avoids confrontation at all costs, looked at her and said "you have been pregnant before right? You know how this works?"

Then, the icing on the cake was when she interrupted me again by yelling "That means you had to have sex at least once! That's so good! I know you guys go a while between sometimes because you've been together so long!"  And then starting killing herself laughing.  Maybe it's the hormones starting to act up, or my recent lack of sleep, but I was mortified and on the verge of tears.  It was all my power not to storm out of the house.

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