June 2012 Moms

Low Progesterone ?

Hi Ladies,

I got my first blood results back yesterday and unfortunately they don't look too good. My 1st Beta was 439.2, but my progesterone was only 9.16...waaaay on the low end. The nurse was like, "are you having any cramping/pain/bleeding/spotting?" I'm not having any signs of that but just her asking me got me nervous with my previous history of m/c. I go back again today for a repeat Beta but she said they won't test the progesterone again. I was with my co-worker when I took the call so I couldn't ask too many questions at the time.

Anyone have any experience with low progesterone? Should I ask for supplements? When I had my last loss and they checked my blood 2 days later my progesterone was only 0.44! which leads me to believe this might be a problem for me Sad

Oh and it doesn't help that I woke up today with zero pg symptoms. Sorry to be a downer I just needed somewhere to vent and your thoughts are appreciated!

BFP #3 11/27/11, EDD 8/3/12 BabyFruit Ticker
BFP #1 8/1/11, Natural MC 8/12/11 6 weeks
BFP #2 9/25/11, Natural MC 10/3/11 6 weeks

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