Baby Names


Ok! My Husband and I have come up with a first name if the baby is a girl. The name is

ISOLDE (is-old)

but we are stuck on two names for the middle name...

GENEVIEVE (jen-i-veev)

We like Genevieve because it is an old Gaulish (French) name and it is a name of a relative of my husband and it reminds me of Ginny from Harry Potter (Ginny is a nickname for Genevieve)

We don't like Genevieve because it sounds too much like Gwenivere and Gwen is a really popular name (I dont like Popular)

"From Genovefa, a Gaulish name possibly meaning "tribe woman". Saint Genevi?ve, the patron saint of Paris, inspired the city to resist the Huns in the 5th century."

RHIANNON (ree-anne-on)

"Derived from the old Celtic name Rigantona meaning "great queen". In Welsh mythology Rhiannon was the goddess of fertility and the moon. This name is also borne by a princess in Welsh legends, the wife of Pwyll."

We like Rhiannon because it is an old Celtic (Irish) name and it is my sister's middle name as well as the fleetwood mac song.

We don't like Rhiannon because it is a fleetwood mac song (haha) and because the singer Rianna has slightly ruined the name for me, especially since kids at the home I work for already think the two names are the same name just spelled differently.


SO what are people's opinions? Genevieve or Rhiannon? THANKS! 

Isolde Genevi
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