January 2012 Moms

Helped preg friend get MIL off her back :) (kinda long)

Tee hee!  I have a decent relationship with my MIL, but have seen both my mom and my MIL have terrible relationships with theirs and it always breaks my heart when people aren't accepting of ILs into their families (especially if there's no reason to act that way). 

So... my best friend, since 5th grade, is 31 wks pregnant (i've posted about her before) and she moved in with her bf's mom to be closer to bf, otherwise they would have been states away.  Well, her shower is in 2 weeks and her MIL (even though she's not married to bf, we'll say MIL for convo purposes) has been freaking out about why they don't have a carseat yet.  Yes, she actually explained to a law grad (so her is bf) that they can't leave the hospital without one Indifferent.  My friend has tried explaining to her that they have one picked out on their registry and they want to wait until after their shower to see if they need to buy one or if someone would get it.  MIL keeps saying they're too expensive and no one will buy one for them.  Her MIL does not know her family even a little or if people would go in together to get one. 

I was feeling really bad that she's stuck living with her MIL, especially since bf is living at his dad's, and not with her, while working crazy hours and they never get to see each other.  Well, ever since she asked MH and I to be the godparents, I wanted to get her a really nice gift.  So I scanned the registry and low-and-behold, the carseat.  So I ordered it and just had it shipped to her MIL's.  I asked my friend first if it was okay for me to just ship a bulky registry item so she doesn't have to road trip it in her tiny car with all of her other shower gifts and she agreed it made more sense.  Well, she just got it and apparently that morning MIL had woken up bf (stayed the night there) at 7:30am (really? on his day off???) and told him they needed a carseat asap.

Tee hee!  So now her MIL has shut her trap and my friend is super excited for her first real present.  She said it's her favorite new toy! Haha.  I told her if her MIL gives her any more problems to send her my way.  Take that, crazy MIL!  No one messes with my bff.

Married DH - December 2006, Started TTC - July 2009, BFP - May 15, 2011 (round #1 chlomid) Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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