North Carolina Babies

Anyone else's child learning the occasional curse word?

Last night I was getting DS out of his bath, and I guess I scratched him with my fingernail. He yelled, "God DAMMIT!" and I had to turn my head and choke back my laughter. Then I gave DH a lecture because I am very good at censoring myself (and I rarely say GD anyway).  He pointed out that Nate was at my parents' house Saturday night, so it's just as likely, if not more likely, that he heard it from my mom. :P

He has said "dammit" before, and he still says it occasionally if we're playing a game and he gets something wrong, which is kind of funny, honestly. I just ignore it b/c I know if I make a big deal out of it, he'll want to curse all the time.

Anyone else have any good stories to share? Do you just ignore it when something like that makes its way into your child's vocabulary?

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