Single Parents

New again

Hello ladies,

Not sure if anyone remembers me or not. But I had posted several months ago about my situation. I was at the time still pregnant with my youngest son.

Since i've last posted my life has been a crazy rollercoaster! But since the last time me and my childrens father 'attempted' to make it work! Yeah, big fail on my part. I should have listened to what others were trying to get across to me.

Our relationship has be "rocky" for a long time. He had a child in the middle of our relationship. I dealt. He started being disrespectful. I dealt. He ignored me. I dealt. Every woman has their own personal breaking point and mine was when he slapped me. I had never felt so low in my life. I never knew things would esclate the way they did. I feel so bad for letting this go on for so long. My kids never saw us argue or fight. But they could still feel it I know. Kids sense when something is not right.

I dealt with alot of PPD after my last child and he made me feel so bad about it. Like I was a bad mom. That I was lazy. Told me I took meds because I couldn't deal. It was horrible. He made me feel lower then dirt.

But Horray for me. He finally left 2 weeks ago. Took his key and all the boxes are gone. He kept prolonging the move. He wanted to keep trying. But, I had had enough. Thank God I did not marry him like the plan was because then the split would have been much harder.

It has been a rough two weeks. My 5 year old is handling it well. My 7 month old... well hes 7 months it's not effecting him considering I was the only one who ever paid any attention to him. My daughter is the one who is concerning me. She is 2 and she is daddy's princess. I know she misses him. Since him leaving she has been totally acting out. She has a messed up sleep pattern now. (well her sleep has been wacked out for a little while) But, It's rought it's hard to get her to understand what is going on. I'm heartbroken not from him. But the look on her face when he walked out the door and she says "bye bye papi" "love you" How do you handle that??

I myself feel good. I'm ready to do this! And have been for a long time. I'm super worried about the financial aspect of it. I have a decent job. But, will not be able to afford extras like i'm used to. He has agreed to pay 100$ a week but, i'm not depending on it.

So anyone with any advice on how to deal with the uspet from my daughter? Sorry i'm rambling. Just thought I would share. Look forward to talking with you ladies more!


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