January 2012 Moms

baby causing pain in my 'peepee'

DS has been pushing on my bladder lately and this morning it's gotten to be much worse. The constant knocking at my bladder has seemed to move down to my pelvic floor(?) maybe.  It feels like a really low pressure and when I walk it's even more pronounced.  It must be putting pressure on the nerve that makes you have to pee (not my bladder, but something else). And then when I peed it hurt.

Now I kow you're thinking UTI, and who knows- it could be! But I don't want to run out for a culture unless I've had it for a day or two.  Especially b/c this feels more like nerve endings rather than inflammation.

Anyone else know what I'm talking about?  It feels like baby is crushing my pee-hole even though I know baby isn't anywhere close to it!

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