Upstate NY Babies

Ever just want to cry?

I have felt so overwhelmed this morning and on the verge of tears, and I really don't know what's causing it.  I have a lot on my mind.  We're trying to decide if/when to buy a home and which option (pre-owned or new build) is best for us.  We were approached yesterday by a friend of DH that offered to buy his truck from us so we're trying to decide if we can go with one car to save money and the thought of being stuck at home scares me.  And then there's the fact that I have no idea who is going to watch my kids on Tuesday night while I have a party since DH is out of town.  I'm really panicked about it.  I have numbers of sitters that friends' recommend but knowing the R will probably not take a bottle and just cry makes me so sad. 

Ok...I feel a little better just getting all that out.  I think I need some wine tonight!

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