North Carolina Babies

S/O: Public vs. Private schools and birthday

So, DD's bday is Sept 1st.  The public school cutoff date to start kindergarten is August 31st.  Assuming I think she's ready, I have ZERO intentions of holding her back.  It irritates me that she'll have to wait another entire year to start school.  I'm not sure if there's any leeway with the cutoff date or not.  I mean, it's less than 24 hours.

Assuming there's not, would it be possible to send her to private school for kindergarten (if they have a later cutoff date or will accept her) and then put her in 1st grade at a public school the next year?  Basically a loophole to get her in with what I would consider to be her peers? 

Or is there anything you can do to get them in public school sooner, have them test in or something?  I know every kid is different and ready at different times, but I'm not a fan of red-shirting AT ALL unless there is an identifiable issue. 


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