January 2012 Moms

Can I please vent about MIL :)

So I may have mentioned before that ILs always stick their nose where it doesn't belong.

From calling the shots in OUR house, to asking about our debt and money situation, to what we should or shouldn't buy for our baby etc etc etc.

Last night DH was talking to his mom and she said how she was buying some materials for the blankies that she'll make for us. That is totally cute and I appreciate it.

But then she goes, "oh and we are going to have a painting party because I want to paint the baby's room with you. So we should have some food, paint and make a whole day of it."

UHM, and you decided that when and with whom??? Of course DH didn't have the "walnuts" to tell her otherwise b/c I wanted to do this with just my husband. I don't want to prepare food and entertain people for the whole day while they paint my baby's room. And if it was just help it would be one thing, but trust me when I say that her "suggestions" always have to come up and tried to be pushed through. If she wants to help she should say, "let me know if you guys need help, I'd love to do it". That's one thing, but to say that she wants to do it and has already planned what we should do for that day?? No, I don't think so.

UGH, ok vent over Thanks for listening. I'm total crabby pants this week so everything bothers me HAHA

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