Baby Names

claire, anna or molly?

I only have a couple weeks to go, and still don't have my kid named. I'm desperate enough that I am now consulting internet strangers. Last name sounds like Campbell. I've narrowed it down to 3:

Claire- this is my top choice, but a couple people have made comments to me about alliterative names, and now I'm paranoid that Claire Campbell sounds stupid.

Molly- I love this name for little girl, but I'm not sure it fits an adult as well? I have a "little girl" first name, with no "adult" option (Think "Suzy" as my full name), and I don't want to do that to my kid.

Anna- I have always loved this name, but I'm just not feeling it in connection to my child the same way that I feel like Claire or Molly could be the name. I don't know if that makes sense. 

Which name would you choose? Thank you so much for any feedback! 



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