January 2012 Moms

Huge fight with DH- NBR

DH and I had a huge fight last night that leaked into this morning. What sparked it all? Toilet seat cover. I kid you not, that's what started this huge horrible fight.

I bought a new set of bath rugs and a new toilet seat cover for our bathroom since our other ones were starting to look rough.Apparently I didn't adequately test it out because the toilet seat has a hard time now standing up when he uses it. Instead of telling me like a normal human being, he walks out of the bathroom, toilet seat cover in hand, and throws it into the middle of the floor of our bedroom. Granted, I shouldn't have flipped out but this ran all over me.

That incident sparked the argument. At some point I realized how stupid it was to be arguing over a $10 toilet cover so I attempted to end things, but he kept saying things under his breath about me being over reactive and crazy. Yes I am crazy, I'm pregnant. I don't need anyone pointing that out though. So that led to more fighting. I tried to keep my composure and avoid any really low blows. I had a million mean things to say, but I bit my tongue and tried to be reasonable...well as reasonable as one can be arguing over a toilet lid cover. Well apparently he didn't want to play by the same rules because at some point he called me evil and said that I would be an evil, horrible mother worse than his own mother (and we're talking about the same mother who is spreading rumors that he died around his hometown). He also said that LO was scared of me and that's why he wasn't moving and that LO and he would be buddies but that LO would hate me and be terrified of me. To me that's really low. I left the room, in tears I might add, and stayed in our guest room.

 This morning he gets up and asks me if I want to apologize. I was all ready and willing to admit I got a little heated over a toilet seat cover, so I apologized for that and tried to explain that I got so mad at the end because he really hurt me with the comments about me being a bad mother. I expected an apology from him but all I got were freaking excuses about how he was sick last night and tired and how rude I was for keeping him up. I reminded him that I tried to end it two separate times and that he kept antagonizing me. Again, it was apparently fine for him to do that because he was "sick." (BTW, man was not sick. He was gassy and that was it.) Next thing I know he's calling me crazy and we're back into fighting.

I didn't sleep at all last night because I was so upset and now I'm back to being upset because he had to be an a$$ this morning. 

Why can't he just understand that being pregnant means I'm a hormonal mess and calling me names and antagonizing me is not the way to go?

BabyFruit Ticker
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
BFP #1 5/07/11, DS 01/19/12
BFP #2 08/09/12, M/C 08/10/12
BFP #3 10/30/12, EDD 07/11/12...please stick!
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