Single Parents

Cried during filling out custody section of divorce papers tonight

My H and I went over the custody pages of the divorce papers together tonight.  It wasn't easy.  He wanted every other weekend and visiting hours every Tuesdays and Thursdays night.  I should be happy to have more time with my son but still I had a very tough time at the thought of this.

My mom who is states away has to start kidney dialysis.  While on the custody papers, he told me I should be bracing myself as he does not think my mom will last much longer.  He knows we are super close.

I don't know how I am going to manage without my mom.  I call her anytime and she has always been there for me.  She is my soul mate.  

I feel like I am losing 2 people I love, yes I still love my husband even though he repeatedly says he never loved me nor like my personality.  I never felt so alone and so abandoned.  I have to be strong for my son.  He is all I got right now.

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