Upstate NY Babies

When would you say something?

The neighbors across the street have an air horn and today is the second day in a row where it's used 1-2 times in the morning between 7-8am then again after school about 3-4pm and then I think the mom is using it to call the kids in for dinner at 6pm and now 730pm.

It's really pisssing me off. I find it rude and obnoxious. These neighbors are not very friendly to begin with and I don't want to start issues but honestly...teach your kids how to read a damn clock and be home. There is no reason to sound a freaking air horn several times a damn day. Am I crazy because I certainly feel the urge to kill coming on....

Took 2 years & 8 months to make our baby! Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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