January 2012 Moms

back from L&D

Well this morning got off to a rough start! I was getting ready to go to work and my back completely went out! I was able to make it back to my bed, but that was all.  After tlking to my OB, she wanted me to go to l&d to get checked out, just to make sure there was nothing else going on.  My DH had to call an ambulance to take me to the hospital because I couldn't move out of the bed.  After getting to l&d, they checked me and baby out, and all is fine.  I was then discharged from there and sent to the er for my back pain.  I was told to take tylenol and is a heating pack... nothing I didn't know already! Anyway, I am back home now and trying to rest.  This was not how I wanted to spend my day Sad
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