Upstate NY Babies

Help, Advice, Comfort, something. Please. My mom...

So last week, my mom started complaining of some excruciating stomach pains...She scheduled an appt with her dr like Tuesday, and they sent her for a CAT scan on Thursday. They brought her in for a following day (friday) to tell her she has diverticulosis, a hernia, and a rather large cyst on her ovaries. She had a hysterectomy like 4 years ago, and with her medical history and the family medical history, they are thinking that it's a pretty good possibility the cyst is cancerous. They are also moving extremely fast on this. She's having surgery where she's having the "wash" done to test for it right away. She told me not to go home, but I am anyway. I feel compelled to be there in case it is something serious...

I don't know what I'm looking for here. I held it together while on the phone with her, but the minute I hung up, I lost it. Cancer is a huge issue in our family, and the last thing I want is to see my mom go thru this...

 Thanks for listening.

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