Single Parents

Alone & New.

So, on labor day I had found out I was prego.... two weeks after I left my boyfriend and moved 3 hrs away from him. I had left everything to be with him & it obviously came to bite me in the butt. Found out how much of an *** he was, how much he lied, & was definitely not the guy i thought he was. Family loved me, but he was basically the prob. I finally left him not know i was prego..When i found out i was i tried keeping it from him, but my family had to step in & actually told his family about it. UGH. They denied it was his & that, that was goin to be his prob.. Now, he is saying that IF it is his he'll take care of it...but only will he take care of it..he has been telling me he will also take my baby away. I don't have any support from my fam except an aunt & my grandmother.... But other than that I'm alone, going to school, working two days off & i pretty much have nothing. UGH. ;.(
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