January 2012 Moms

LO has me cracking up

So this little girl already has a personality in the works for sure. She's a feisty little Daddy's girl. Since my husband and I are together 24/7 he talks to LO a lot. He taps twice on my belly and says "Knock knock Sofia" and most times she gives him a little kick in return.

Last night she wasn't moving just before bed but he said he wanted to give her a kiss goodnight. Right when he kissed my belly she gave him a little kick right on his lips! It was so cute. 

They also monitor her for 30 min everyday to watch her heartbeat and to check me for contractions. She participates well for that 30 min but if they try to go over that time frame she let's them know she's over it. She will kick the monitor and zoom away and come back and kick it again and zoom away. It's really kind of funny to me. I wonder if she'll be the same out of the womb? Do your LO's have their own personalities in the making too?

Check out our blog of Sofia's progress... www.FisforFam.blogspot.com Lilypie Premature Baby tickers image Visit The Nest! image
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