January 2012 Moms

Going off of DH Mini Rant..

Has anyone else experienced others not liking the name you have picked out?

My husband and I picked out the name Sidney Archer for our baby. Sidney is a family name (we weren't under any obligation to use the name, we are both just sentimental and like that it is a family name), and Archer has special meaning for us as it is a popular U.K. name. I've been asked by lots of people what we are naming our baby and as soon as I say the name, there is absolute silence. We don't quite care what others think, and it won't make us change the name - but I am shocked that most can't even pretend to say, "oh nice."

One woman at work even went so far as to say to me, "well that is quite a WASP name you picked out" - what?! really?!

People are crazy.

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