January 2012 Moms

DH Mini Rant

I guess all the more reason to wait on picking a name - silly drama.

We picked the name Eliot for LO, several weeks ago and then (maybe this is where we erred) told family about our choice.  Most people think it's a cute name.  He also has a Chinese middle name, chosen by DH's dad, in part to acknowledge that part of his heritage but also practically in part because most Western names that we liked would be hard on the Chinese tongue. So DH's non-US or US-but-heavily-accented family will call him Yunqing.

Anyway, the rant part starts when DH's cousin - who is US born and has no practical issue with the name Eliot - basically told DH that she just didn't like the name.  Whatever right?  But DH tells her something like "well try to think of something better". Now apparently she's been texting him ideas for names, and he started asking me well, do you like this, or this?  No, I like Eliot!  We both liked Eliot!  I finally sort of put my foot down and said no, and I don't know why you let your cousin think she had a say anyway.  He backed off and said ok we'll keep it.  But yeesh.

This is of course merely a small symptom of the problem of "DH lets the women in his family boss him around because he doesn't feel like arguing".  But anyway.  Yeah, so lesson learned is wait until baby pops out to name it/tell people the name. 

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