Upstate NY Babies

House WWYD?

Would you buy a house that has an awkward floor plan if you think you could make it work for you?  We're thinking about buying here...  There's a house we've been eyeing that's been on the market for a loooong time.  It's listed for about 50K less than what it last sold for, and the realtor told us that they'd probably take 20K less than the list price even.  So, basically, we'd get a great deal.  But, the layout is kinda strange.  The formal dining room and the eat in kitchen are basically you'd essentially have two table right next to one another.  But, we're thinking we could make the office area a guest room and use the formal dining room for a playroom.  We like that since the kids would be playing in the same area we'd be, but I'm thinking long term.  If we need to sell again, I wonder if the floor plan would hold people off from buying.  It's so stressful...I don't know what to do!
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