Baby Names


I was at the doctors today and there was a newborn.  Of course I asked the girl's name (very obvious that it was a girl).  The mom answered "Madingley"

I thought she said like Maddie, or Madelyn, or something.  But, when the nurse called them in, the nurse said "muh ding lee"  The mom corrected her, it is the same begining sound as Madelyn - so, Mading Lee.

Then, on the way home - I saw a sign that said "it's a girl - Madingley Melissa"  I have to assume it is one in the same.

I have never heard of this, but for some reason - it reminds me of a baseball player, but I have no idea what the guys name could be - since it did not come up on a google search.

Ever heard this name?  I don't really like it

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