Baby Names

Team Green: Top 5

Middle names are family names.

Girls (middle names not set in stone)

1. Bridget Advena (add-VEE-nuh)

2. Maura Pauline (MAR-uh)

3. Beatrice Sarah ("Bea")

4. Adele Beatrice

5. Cerys Elisabeth (Cerys is honoring a friend, it is actually the more common spelling in England and Wales)


Boys (middle names not set in stone)

1. Ewan Augustus (Ewan or "Auggie")

2. Augustus Ewan ("Auggie")

3. Ian Frederick

4. Alasdair Reilly

5. Arlo Thomas (Love, but rhymes with DS's name)


Thoughts? Which would you choose?

DS is Miles Wilhelm (goes by Milo)
DD is Fiona Clarie (goes by Fiona/Fi)

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