June 2012 Moms


User name ag0527

EDD  - not sure, since we did IUI my O date and my LMP date make it a week difference!! i'm gonna pick june 4 since that was my grandfathers bday and its kinda in the middle of the possibles :)


What number baby this is for you? #1


i'm still so nervous to be added to something!! thank you :) 

ttc (on and off) since we were married in 2005
unexplained if
3/2011 injectibles with tic = bfp and twins!! edd december
lost both heartbeats and emergency d&c at 7 weeks
9/2011 letrozole,injectibles,and iui = BFP! edd june 2 - baby girl born at 32 weeks and 1 month in NICU...so happy to be healthy and home! 8/2012 whoa! surprise! baby boy due june 2...again!
"...and guard with tenderness, small things that have no words."
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