North Carolina Babies

Quiet time fail

So, quiet time is a big failure so far here at our house.  Liam won't stay in his room more than 5 or 10 minutes before he comes downstairs and throws a fit when I try to make him go back up.  So then I have to lock him in, and he just screams and throws a fit for the rest of "quiet time", throwing stuff at his door and destroying his room.  Needless to say, this is not restful for either of us.  It's so stressful I'm ready to throw in the towel and just let him stay downstairs all afternoon, even though I know that will only lead to me being even more annoyed.

I've tried bribery with his star chart and pretty much anything else I can think of.  I've even promised to bring him directly to Target at the end of quiet time to pick out a prize if he stays in his room until the light turns green, and it doesn't make a difference.  To help him succeed, I'm only asking him to stay in there for 30-45 min, even though an hour is my goal.

Any other suggestions?  Or should I just give up?  "Quiet time" as it is, is just causing more stress than it's worth. 

Rachel & Bill 9-10-05, Liam Andrew born 5-30-08 (formerly lakebride05)
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